Rem Tec is in the bookshop!
After four books of great success with the public and press on the green, Mondadori Università in co-edition with the Istud Foundation has produced the fifth volume in conjunction with Expo 2017 - Future Energy - held in Astana in Kazakhstan.
The book "Future Energy, Future Green. For earth, water, air and fire" is a set of essays, a true Anthology of Green with an all-encompassing cut. These are some of the topics covered: from how to invest in the future of the world (water, food, infrastructure, green energy) to the more general issues of green and energy, to the more recent ones of the Sharing & Food Economy, green building, and therefore, circular economy, pop economy, circonomy, crowfunding and other topics.
Rem Tec S.r.l. enthusiastically welcomed the invitation of the editors Maurizio Guandalini and Victor Uckmar (recently deceased) to write an essay entitled "When solar energy marries agriculture: solar panels for the cultivation of Japanese green tea ".
Our Agrovoltaico® brand, in fact, is in accordance with the green policy: technological innovation while leaving the natural state of the land unchanged. Agrovoltaic technology makes it possible to transform maximum solar energy into daily electricity, even allowing an increase in agricultural yield thanks to the possibility of managing the shadow generated by photovoltaic modules.
You can find it in all Italian bookstores starting from 18 January 2018!