Beaucaire, 19 June 2023: REM Tec and its partners inaugurate the site where they have installed an Agrovoltaico® demo plant: rice crops will grow under the photovoltaic system in rotation with alfalfa. The results of this project will be used to study how Agrovoltaico® can coexist with the specific agricultural, environmental and climatic challenges of this region. Located in Beaucaire, in the Gard département, this Agrovoltaico® demonstrator will be used to study the cohabitation between agricultural production and renewable energy production. The effects of the panels on the crop, such as shading, will be monitored for three consecutive years. The project, which started in 2021, is realised by the collaboration of 4 partners with complementary competences: REM Tec with its technology, EDF with its know-how as developer and CIRAD and INRAE, for scientific and agronomic monitoring, together with the French rice centre, for its expertise in rice growing.The photovoltaic panels are positioned at a height of 5 metres on special structures so as not to interfere with the use of the plot and to allow the passage of agricultural machinery. The foundations of the structures are designed to adapt to the instability of the soil, which is characteristic of rice cultivation in alluvial areas. For REM Tec, this is a milestone of growth that characterises the company's recent years; we strongly believe in collaborating with our partners to provide space for agronomic research. Follow our posts for updates on the development of this and other important projects that REM TEC is developing.